【GLaDOS x Arpsys】 Identify your 愛Dee 【巡音ルカ・HorizonsP】
2012年7月27日 7時00分40秒
horizonsP (ID:19055132)
I would liked to start the Arpeggio Series with an original work, but by this way, we create excitement (?). Since I first heard, I knew I would end up doing something with the wonderful piece of Mitchie-M, ai dee, and using what I've been hooked on Portal 2 this last week, voila: there's a mashup between my upcoming saga and this game (well, comparisons are obnoxious~). Glados character is quite heavy, but has reached to my heart for never going (?), so I used my also dearest Luka to suply the Ellen McLain voice, and i'm proud with the ressult~ Em... yep, the other voice, the ununderstandable-because-of-hurry one is mine (?) Melodyne, Autotune and in general various software of Antares transformed my voice into... this... thing. But at least is NEVER out of tune [someday I'll upload my voice without distortion if the outcry says so (?)]

2015年6月9日 12:278071326
  • VOCALOIDカバー曲
  • Portal
  • GLaDOS
  • VOCALOID新曲リンク
  • 愛Dee
  • Portal2
  • 魂実装済み
  • 神調教
  • もっと評価されるべき
2015年6月9日 11:268071326
  • VOCALOIDカバー曲
  • Portal
  • GLaDOS
  • VOCALOID新曲リンク
  • 愛Dee
  • Portal2
  • 魂実装済み
  • 神調教
  • もっと評価されるべき
2015年4月21日 2:277921325
  • VOCALOIDカバー曲
  • Portal
  • GLaDOS
  • VOCALOID新曲リンク
  • 愛Dee
  • Portal2
  • 魂実装済み
  • 神調教
  • もっと評価されるべき
2015年4月21日 1:277921325
  • VOCALOIDカバー曲
  • Portal
  • GLaDOS
  • VOCALOID新曲リンク
  • 愛Dee
  • Portal2
  • 魂実装済み
  • 神調教
  • もっと評価されるべき
2014年8月10日 23:327061219
  • VOCALOIDカバー曲
  • Portal
  • GLaDOS
  • VOCALOID新曲リンク
  • 愛Dee
  • Portal2
  • 魂実装済み
  • 神調教
  • もっと評価されるべき


2015年6月9日 11:26 (最新)I would liked to start the Arpeggio Series with an original work, but by this way, we create excitement (?). Since I first heard, I knew I would end up doing something with the wonderful piece of Mitchie-M, ai dee, and using what I've been hooked on Portal 2 this last week, voila: there's a mashup between my upcoming saga and this game (well, comparisons are obnoxious~). Glados character is quite heavy, but has reached to my heart for never going (?), so I used my also dearest Luka to suply the Ellen McLain voice, and i'm proud with the ressult~ Em... yep, the other voice, the ununderstandable-because-of-hurry one is mine (?) Melodyne, Autotune and in general various software of Antares transformed my voice into... this... thing. But at least is NEVER out of tune [someday I'll upload my voice without distortion if the outcry says so (?)]
2014年8月10日 23:32I would liked to start the Arpeggio Series with an original work, but by this way, we create excitement (?). Since I first heard, I knew I would end up doing something with the wonderful piece of Mitchie-M, ai dee, and using what I've been hooked on Portal 2 this last week, voila: there's a mashup between my upcoming saga and this game (well, comparisons are obnoxious~). Glados character is quite heavy, but has reached to my heart for never going (?), so I used my also dearest Luka to suply the Ellen McLain voice, and i'm proud with the ressult~ Em... yep, the other voice, the ununderstandable-because-of-hurry one is mine (?) Melodyne, Autotune and in general various software of Antares transformed my voice into... this... thing. But at least is NEVER out of tune [someday I'll upload my voice without distortion if the outcry says so (?)]
